Insights and Actionable Communication

“I've worked with Tara on several projects during the past 10 years. She never ceases to amaze me with her insights and ability to turn those into actionable communication. She is extremely efficient and always delivers a first-class deliverable on-time, on-budget and on-point. I never hesitate to engage her when I have a need for marketing direction and communication needs.”

Kate Hendershott, marketing consultant and business development coach

Fast, Professional, Creative

“Tara was the capital campaign manager for Second Harvest Heartland’s first-ever capital campaign. She did a fantastic job writing case statements, brochures, web page, numerous letters and emails to donors and others who were helping us meet our goals and so much more, including keeping me on task! I’d recommend her for anyone who needs a creative writer or communications consultant. She gets the job done at a very quick pace. So, if you need something written fast, in a professional and creative manner, she’s your hire.”

Marsha Shotley, retired, Chief Philanthropy Officer, Second Harvest Heartland

A Quick Study

“Working with Tara is an intellectual challenge that leads to great outcomes. She provides counsel based on her expertise combined with a very smart brain! She worked with me for several years and I found her to be smart, reliable, efficient in time management and very committed to creating great outcomes. She is an excellent writer, editor and thinker, and brought her creative perspective to many problem-solving opportunities, considering all stakeholders and ultimately producing better results. She's a quick study and can jump in to help with advice and counsel in a wide variety of situations,”

Marie Uhrich, retired, SVP, Thrivent Financial

Organized and Efficient

“Tara has done everything from ad development, email messaging, pitch deck creations, to managing our rebrand and capital campaign for us. She is creative, organized and incredibly efficient. I recommend Tara to anyone looking for additional marketing support. She is fair and flexible and much easier to work with than a larger marketing firm. She applies creative director skills to every project, diving in from start to finish and providing steady guidance to ensure top-notch quality in messaging and marketing.”

Carly Kortuem, Executive Director